SWOT Analysis

Let's have a look within.

What are your strengths?

Has your response to this question been more or less the same since past few years? Is it one of those questions you dread addressing cause you have yet to figure out your real strengths? Self-knowledge is a powerful tool that too many people disregard because it's difficult or inconvenient, or perhaps because it makes them feel uncomfortable. What seem like strengths to one person, moreover, might not necessarily seem that useful to others, which can make figuring out whether specific qualities you possess are strengths as opposed to weaknesses confusing or frustrating.

What are your weaknesses?

Are you aware of the skills that you lack and need to develop? If you already know your weaknesses, then what are you doing about it? Making your weakness sound like a strength is an old-fashioned and ineffective way to position yourself, anywhere. So, it's best to hold the mirror in your hand and have a close look at what needs improvement.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT is one of the most effective tools to identify and utilize the STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES and THREATS of ourselves and the environment around us. It is extremely important to run our own SWOT through a series of relevant questions that will bring in more clarity to you about self.

Why should I do a SWOT analysis? 

SWOT analysis helps you with your personal development to become the best version of you. The objective here is to evaluate the past, present & future of your individual goals.

How will it help me? 

If you know your strengths and weaknesses well enough, wouldn't you be able to grab most opportunities that complement your strengths while avoiding the threats which you might face due to your weaknesses?

In this webinar (or shall we say, workshop!), you will learn to perform SWOT analysis that will provide key information that can point out what needs to be done and put your career problems into perspective.

So what are you waiting for? Let's get started right away.

Here is what you will learn from this LIVE Webinar:

  • SWOT analysis matrix and its relativity
  • How to identify your real strengths and weaknesses?
  • Practical application of SWOT for personal growth

 Session Date - 12th May, 2021

Timing: 7 PM to 8 PM

Webinar Fee: FREE

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.

Everything lines up perfectly when knowing and living our true self becomes more important that anything else. 

Understand your own strengths and weaknesses

Prepare you own career growth basis opportunities and threats

Plan your own learning path to achieve success in life

About Yukti Kapoor Mehandiratta

Founder CEO - SBY Academy, Leadership & Etiquette Coach

Yukti Kapoor Mehandiratta is a Certified Leadership & Etiquette Coach, a mentor, an advisor and an acknowledged Keynote Speaker. She is recognized as one of the Top 10 Women Startup CEOs 2020 and a proud recipient of National Women Excellence Award 2018 by Indo-European Chambers of Small and Medium Enterprise.

Yukti is a seasoned Coach and passionately promotes SBY Academy as a platform that enables individuals to strengthen their productivity, performance, presentability and people-skills, thereby shaping them into impactful and effective Leaders.

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