Only a truly peaceful and content individual can become an effective leader. Our spiritual leadership program is a year-long commitment to equip yourself for finding the real meaning of life, explore your well-being in its entirety, and most importantly, to learn the power of leading from inside-out.

Upskilling Leadership Mastery (ULM)

A mastery course in Spiritual Leadership for your complete well-being, and strength 

to lead intrinsically, with authenticity and ease. LIVE Masterclasses every fortnight (weekend) to accommodate this transformation within your busy calendar. Don't let anything stop you now!

Duration: 12 Months 

7 Guided Meditation For Leaders

Fuel your soul with power and peace, with these 7 guided meditations on meaningful intentions such as - Bliss, Surrendering, Deep relaxation, Creating balance, White light, Dropping judgements and Chakra Cleansing. The leader within you is craving for this 'me' time - it's time to give it the same.

Duration: For everyday of the Week, Month and Year